mares Farm Praparty ani Private Dwelling; ".n.pital, $600,090. 7 I ALEX. 1!IORi0W-.AaenI'.' .._.._.....__..__._,.4_..... duet on the prdgrainme, Guard; che '1ilimosluiin,. viasrdndered by -Miss Gm- ham and Mrs. H T._ Qnnllorn u-H]: all Ill _lIlU VVVlI`lLl WCFU BLIIUYIHIIIUI by Baker `and. Miss "Annie Mann): drell, the latter; young V lady taking the heaviest part of the work," and ztcquitting herself in a way that speaks highly for her musical ability. h ' V ' Tnkina the `cant-.m-f. nlfnonthav; Iirnfmrl .UUulIlJll, uuuur WHUBU IUIDIUII Flly are. - If we_may be permitted to offer a sug- gestion to the Society,w would recommend t1minf.rndnnf.inn into the n1-nm-Amm`n fen- gU3SlalUl.l DU ELIE DUUlUIly,VVU WUIIIU IULFIDIIIHIUILIU` lthe introduction into the rogrsmme for the next concert of a.`1i o more `of the . lighter order of musical selections, in the way of solos, duets, etc. Of course in con- certs of this sort high class music is expected to predominate, but we think we are` safe in saying that more than it little` of_ that simpler harmony with which the majority of people are more familiar, would not de- tract from the enjoyment of the perform- ance. . - - . ' The anniversary services of_ the Metho-` dist Church,_held on Sunday and ' Monday lust, were of a. more than usually interest- ing `character. On Sabbath evening the Rev. Mr. -Rutledge, of Yorkville, whocis in.` most successful and earnest Sunday School worker,'prea.ched a special sermon to the scholars of the school. `On the following Monday evening a. large gathering of the children and friends Inetin the school room cdfoiiling the church, where addresses were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Rutledge, Rev. `Liv. `Buhnn.n,:md others. Several recitations and solos by the scholars were n.lso_render'- ed, mid a. most enjovable evening was spent. The report of the Secretary, Mr.- Normaz), showed the school to be in a; ourishing condition, the regularity of attendmice and general etiiciency of the scholars being past the zwexfage. We nmy add that the ser- vices were rendered still more p1ea.s:Lut by the presence, after 9.`serious, illness, of the pastor, Mr. Betts, ivho occupied the chair on the occasion. - v ofthoi-ie coinpositions in which his ne vocal" powers show to such good e ec$- -I The one the programme, Guard; Iniin oumdhnrn. 1:19 - I`-I-V (Hug, nu, = was-xunuerau- Dy. ~m1ss'urn~ uusnonxu > ham and Mrs. G, L. Sanders with all sweetness, audseemed to bc'p_artiq1a!lry. appreciated by the audience The accompaniments on piano mid orgaip d the eveningwere played alternately b;m]l!i`.\1as-3 and Annie Mann- drn", `HIA 'RHAF vnnnn 19.51-r fobinn {Jan i:aa1;s`is`;g%:;'% z;;12;;r"';';"i{;;';;;`: Ill UBLUBI. auuuy - Taking the `concert altogether, ,`v`Ie`fe1' bound to accord a. large measure` of credit. to the performers, andhll praisb. -to Prof} Heinrich, under whose tuitlon they are. :. If we mm: ha nnrnuittd in nH'm- 11 amt`. BARVRIE lVIE`Ti-liilTJl8'IV' CHURCH. frm: sxmvicns 1N'coNN_Ec'i5IoN-WITH mnam PRESBYTERIAN cxwnou suxnn sc11oox.. ' , The tenth Amiiversnry meeting` of the Presbyterian Sunday School of Barrie, was held in the body of the church on Thursday evening last, Mr. John Black, -Superin- tendent, in the chair. _ 1`he progmmrne, a. choice one, wzisegone through greatly to" the satisfaction of the very large number who were present. ;'1`he o_m:ertninment was opened by the whole school singing the.72nd hymn, The Precious_N:m1e, Rev. Mr. Leipcr cngagiiig in prayer at the conclusion. Then `followed in the order named : A recitation, by J zmet Tennnnt, entitled Only in. Little Brook, very nice- ` ly rendered ; Two Fortresses," by Maggie Todd ; Nellie s GrzLve, by Sarah Ford ; Child's Dream. by Nellie Braden, given in` n, very cre(lital3le,1mmne':: ; Love of an Infant Class Scholzir," by Ella ' Cairns; The Resurrection, by Ell:i.Sl1ortreed, Well recited; Bird zmrl its Nest, `by Mary McVVillia.m ;' ,Mzitinex's Song, by Charles L:mrie-:\. soniewlmt dillicult piece for a. boy. yet he nmnnged it very well; Lily s Questions," by Isa. McIntosh, who, ' although but a child, gave it in a good clear voice ; Landing of Pilgrim Fn.thers,.by Joseph Harper, given with good effect. Music : Beggar Girl, by Florence Villers, J essie Bums, Isa. Weaymouth and Minnie Armstrong-the piece was very `nicely sung ; " Principle put the Test. by M:).ry`; African Chicf,__l)y Jessie Burns, creditably recited ; Singing 97th Hymn, " Jewels, by the whole school. Al-. 1-his m Hm nnh z.1-tnininnnt the . First ~ about $18 more than that of the preceding H Hylllll, " dC\YClS, Dy EHO H1018 BCHUU1. At this -stage, of the entertainment the Superintendent read his-annual report, which was avery interesting one and show- ed the S. S. to be in a very progressive state. The average attendance of scholars during the first quarter was 176 ; second quarter, 172; third quarter, 1533 -, fourth quarter, 174.. Missionary Contributions : quarter, $3l:76; second.qua'rter, $30 .77; third quarter, $35.08;` fourth quar- ter, $31.06-making a total of $118.67: or year. There had been raisedby excursion, $52.10, for other purposes than Missionary. $10.18 more than was rais'e`d in 187 7. There are 29 S. S`. teachers, and an avesage `at- tendance of 25 : 5_ librarians, and an average attendance `of 4. removed by death. addressed the meeting in very encourag- ing terms, expressing his gratication at hearing such a cheering report. bution among members of the congregation, which motion was carried unanimously. Then returning to the musical and literary part of the entertainment, Mr. Geo. Hun- ter gave a reading which was well received, as was also one by Mr. Charles Strange. Masters Samuel T. Weaymouth and'James E. Anderson, gave. a dialogue, entitled The Folly of a Duel, which took very well, as the rupturous applause it met with proved. Ruby Burns then sang a piece very sweetly. Time is Ever Floating. A quartett, by Florence Villers`, Jessie Burns, Isa Weaymouth and Minnie Armstrong, was snnggin sweet tones.` We may here state that, although we do partieularize in all the pieces given by the children, they deserve praise `generally for. the manner in which they acquitted themselves. Rev. Mr. Leiper heremade a few very appro- priate remarks,.after which Mr. Macnab addressed the teachers and scholars in very feeling terms. The singing of the 10th ymn, Whosoever Will, by the whole * school, followed bythebenediction, brought` this part of the proceedings `to a close. A - move was next made to the basement of the _ church, ` each class in charge of its_ respective , teacher, where a pleasant time was spent, [fruit and other refreshments being partaken of. The proceedings terminated at a season- , able hour, all apparently satised with 3 what is said by` old members to have been one of the most successful anniversary` meetings ever held in` connection with Bar- rie -Presbyterian Church. Only two scholars were ` Rev. Mr. Leiper then a He moved. that it be adopted and printed for distri- l On Tuesiuy awapecial traixi left Barrie for a. trip over the 1_1ew railway,` the North Simcoe,' to` Penetanguishene, to formally celebrate the completion of the roxd. L The company comprised mambers . of the Simcoe County Council, and other px-omi~ nent men ofthis zligtrict, "the President of 61... `Mn:-Han:-n 'l'hn`vn1-Mann '4-Jan nnnainl TAI-IEV NORTH SIMGOE . RAILWAY. -1 ._._.._...- THE. COMPLETION OF THE ROAD FO_RMALL_Y QELEBRATED. A srncun 135:2.` cumms ALARGE conmuv ' 0; COUNTY, on-'1-`xc1'Vu.s,` RAILWAY MEN, AND` owns`: cannnnrzs To >PENE'1`A$I`G`.; wzisxm A mwqvzr -AND <'.zc::a1uL,.IoL'I.1-. mcnrox Aim HELD. V ' - nent of thl8_qlBl':l'1ct, tne President or the Northern, Mi`. Thompson, the genalal passenger 9/rent, Mr. .Ha,rvey, the.Secra- tary, and at er railway ofcials and their friends. V_ ' ' "FL A nun.` 3:`:-\'I'\'1'\nli) I-I9-Q` inolln n iv Dk.;1.{.|~`.-m -:Carni\'a1 at the rink to-night. , --Thc ice boats were out cn the Bay last; Week. ' ' ITIBIICIB. Therst stoppage was made at Phelpsldon, vwhore th`e"Reeve'of F103; Mr. Phelps, in answer to a genefal wish `on the part of the company, delivered a. speech. `Mr. Phelps referred in happy termato the fact that the desire of theppeople north of [Barrie for ]rai!way..eomm;1nicntion ;hndf`s;t lnisl; been? been rea.lized,a.nd the North. Sim'c6e~'wa anaccomplislzcd fact. He paid 3- tribute-V to the enterprise of the Northern` Rilwey Company in tnkinggup the scheme of con -structing the line whenthe ters were forced throug'z`h~*-`advfarae 1 cmmmp-2. stances to abandon the project. `He? :6/En-1 ;-tionjof thetroad -A 5 fan `H3? gratuliued thepeople on the nal . cgilstrilog ' d progparity 131011 U]. for it." 33 VBLA :tra>in i~;4!1`:6`xt;L.;it.S'p`[)ed at-`= where Mr. Harvey, Clerk_an:1 Trey.-aurerof F103, and one of tlfe most eilergetid-wbrkerst in`bh=i1f.:<-f$12er9si.~:=1rftn3 its .1!'9Pn` got on ' " a;Tl%ogi: txplnce reached, was ' ioin'f1i me: about; four. ....:I-..rn'_..;... w....t....:.... 1'.v'.'.....-'. ;1xi....... `i'5vf&f5r7i'?t$%i'6 an the? _ abb{1{f6 s. s. AN.\'1vnnsAY smwlcns. s.7 s. ANNIVERSARY. V the tyainht 1ast~ reai;h ed Penthhg-,'`: the`; termmu; Wher_Qit'was greeted by a large clfowd, who onthusiagtically hailed its_ap- epompnny afto h rtshro t ug tho v1!lnge,-rei3tirefiats;oqthe `town mu `where a. sumptuous spread, got up by Mr. 0133- C10-lfkmn, of the Georgian Bay Hotel, was setved, between 150 and 200 setting down to it. V . . An... .' c._n 32], - 1- AL- '.1_-:... uuwu. w 15, ` _ - _ _After a; full_ discussion of the choice Vedxbles, thp"usua.l loyal and pntriotic_toaats We" P1'P08_l and duly houofed, the band of the Reformntory playing the National `Anthem. . , Tn _............_ ;_ 1..I, , 1-; - - ,Aj `I ......'I uguuenl. ' I response to _"the Dominion and Lotta-1 I`i,1aturs, Mr. Cook, ex-M. P., North Smcoe. and M1-.VThoa; Long, -M. P. P., West-Simcoe; spoke; Mr. Cook,.in the `course oihiaremarks, expressed regret at ,the.absence, "of - Mr. McCarthy, who, he thought, dould have dune the toast niore jugtice. V M)`. Cook made a very appro- Pmte speech .which was well received. Mr. Long did his part of the response in cus- tomary felicitou; style. The Army, Navy and Volunteers, elicited 9. response from Major Ridout, Col. Hogq, and Capt. C.'Cooke. air. Inompson spoke to the toast " `rue President as the Northern Road. His speech was atlonce a. happy and powerful one. He dweltjon the nancial position of the Northern Railway - Company, showed how necessary it was that its aairs be in "such a position as will warrant application to England for aid to change the gauge of the road. The County of Simcoe; he went. on to say, had` aided to a large extent a. rival road to the one which ha.d been the means of bringing to the County so much prosperity. Andin common gratitude to `the Northern, he argued, the County might now relinquish the stock held in the"rail- way--stock which he showed would never possess a monetary .realiza.l)le value, but yet which stood in the way of the Company taking steps to carry out the improvements in contemplation, and which had become of vital necessity. ` Mr. Thompson s speech was a calm, lucid and logical exposition of the state of affairs in connection with the, Northern Railway. i ' Dr, Snnhn nnlrnnwlmlaml +.l1n T m=mm`i- 4nvau\.uuuuu vu .I.5|\.u\IIv'v . --Our readers nmrmg the tcahing prcifes- sion will be pleased to see that the Education- al Column has been rcsmned. rum JIUIJO I 23."Cooke. `I12. 71!]... I (pec;'al. y rrportcdfor dranw.) T116 ,rst semi-.a.nnu:Ll meeting of the .South.Simcoo Teachers Association for .1879 was held in the Town Hull, Bradford, on last Friday and Saturday, the . Presi- de1A1t, Mr. `W. `McKee, B. A., Inspector, A inthe chair. ' There was a. large number of those engaged in the .profession present. The Inspector opened by reading .a very able paper chiefly relating to tc ra.p'id pro- grcss bf E(h1c.i.tion in our P_rovince. -n_ `lZ1.._--L ...,..... .. ...,..... .-_;____1.:__ 'I-_1.`.__- L` UL` M131` 1] IV|:l1\V'3y. Dr. Spohn acknowlcdgecl the Prosperi- ty of, in a. neat speech. ' ,'[`hA Mavnrs n? Rm-n, Cnnintrwood rye or," 1n neat: speecn. The Mayors. of Barrie, Collingwood . a;nd.0rillin.. `brought to their feet Messrs; W. D. Ardagh (for Barrie) ; Charles Mac- donell (for Collingwood); and M. Millzu` (for Orillia). Mr. Ardzigh, in` an able speech, supported the view taken by Mr- Thompson, with respect to the surrender of the County of Simcoe s Northern Rail- way Stock. , ` . _ nfkov fnnula urn` u fnnnnrnra hlih Wy DUOCK. _' ` Other toasts anclspeeches followed, but space will not admit of more than a general referenceto them. The company sepa.ra- ed at a. Seasonable hour, and reached BameA at an early hour-yesterday morning. SCHOOL `radon:-:ns I5: co1_mcn.. ms s'x3:m-Ax..~w_AI. MEETING or sovm sm- cos rmcxilms Assocruzoxv Ely-)9 V. ..............-v-- --- V... - -.. .-..v... . `Dr. Forest gave a very ilnresting lecture .03 Drops of Water,,practica.11y'illustrat- ing his subject with experiments, showing the forluation of clouds, mists, (_1o'.v, snow, &c., also the crmses of min in some parts and drought in others. ' ` 172- Rnnann fnnrnt-`:28 \ +.nnn11;nr1' llllll (.U.'4)llgllb ll]. ULH.U1.'-Sn Mr. Spotton followed with-the teaching. of spelling. Pupils, he said, should leave the Fourth Division as good `spellers. It was time enough to begin when the pupils were in the second part `of`t_l_1e rst book. VVriting words and forming them into sen- tences was a. good'plo.n. As spelling was of principal use in written lnngtmge it sh_ou1d depend upon the eye mther than Han n-n- Wanna \v1-iH*.nn qvmllinrr wgc tn ha Englllll U.3IlUH.U. ll'1) Jll UIIU Uyt fi.HI.I.lUl' Ulliill the em". Hence wntten spellmg was to be encouraged and pmchlced. ' He dxd not be- lieve in giving a. lourr list. bf isolated 0 words, but preferred gwmg a. moderate number and wezwing them into sentences. The subject led to a. good deal of discus- sion, Messrs. Morga.n, William: and Wood taking an active p:1.rt. . -"i\1'uv -Fnnurnn 'Fr\n\vn-I mH-.`u n, r-:uv.:Fnv n?{I;EB{ ....................................... .no.n WiIuKl}l' llyil 'siUU1\'t1 lJ~`l[L- "Mr. `Hipwell followe;l with a carefully prepared paper 0:} the `te:v3'.1lug of Geogras pliy. `A child, be though`:, should be lirst taught the curdiiml points. then taken and shown a. creek, porid, hill, &3., and thus get an idea. of 3 river`, lake or He should then he tlioroughly drilled on the maps of the different continents; next `led to enquire into tho productions of countries, population, climate, &c. ~ - Nfr ' \Vnn(l (l\/fnrlnl nl1nnl\ rmul n. luirrlulxr UUUIITITIUS, l.|Upll.lH:|lUll, Ulll.HdvbU,' (YIU. Mr,'\Voot1 (Model School) read 9. highly instructive paper on Object Lessons. The first school lesson, he considerezl, should be cozivcrsational. at the [pupils to talk about things they see every day; encoitmge them to observe objects coming to and from school; show them a. iece of sponge, let them feel it and drawn rom them the different qualities belonging. to it," its uses, {vhere it is to be found, 6w. Children can be insensibly led into the first principle of Geometry hy_ the teacher drawing straight lines,p`m'allcl lines, angles; &c.`, on the board. v . NI"! Nnillv Hxllnnrprl ivif.l1 't'n.n `Dr.-1.wincr ($0., Ull UHU UU'd.L'U.. Mr. Neilly followed with Hap Drawing. In conducting this exercise the class, he was of opinion, should be practiced first upon the black-board under the immediate eye of the teacher---second upon slates (their work to be submitted to the 'tea.cher), and third,`in executing Innpsvtxpon paper to be presented for the criticism of both the teacher and class.` In drawing a continent, first to construct the diagram accurate- ly;, second, to draw the coast line; third, to describe the internal features. . A On Friday Mr. Lewis occupied the fore- V noon in showing `his method of, teaching reading to beginners as well as to more advanced classes; He explained the sounds . of the letters and how to pronounce them, and gave several very usefulrules to guide teachers in this most importautsubject. Hereade several extracts ' illustrating what he considered a. good style, and dwelt par- . fticulerly on distinctness of utterance, pitch and modulation of the voice.. `IA - 'D'....L).`.. ......,1 ...-. ...-`|......'L.1.. .\........ .... aenvereu oy mt. acanxon. _ V Rey. Mr. McKee read a. well-prepared paper on Poetical Literature, which showed careful research and much study. Unfor- tunatelyva p:_3.rt of it` was mislnid, `but the remainder W111 be given at the ngxt meet`-' u . Inn 3- . _ Votes of thanks were given` to all who had in any wap contributed to the success of the convention. _ . n.. `H.311...-J An.-.n:..~ '!LI'~'. l\` VIVA, OI one UUlI.VI$LlIILUl1- . ~ On Friday evening Mr. Lewis, of To- ronto, gave `iv. number of readings, to a large and qppreciativa 7 imdience, interspersed with mstrumontal dud ._voca.1 mt_1_sic by {he > -Methodist choir. - ct:-........1. ...:..,...;:....:.+. c....... 41. . 'K1.L..n. HHLI. l1lUl.|Ll1i1ulIlUll. Ul. IIJLU VUlUU., Mr. I-Iuuter read an admirable paper on History. This subject , he thought, had been much neglected in our schools. He advocated an extensive course of reading an the part of the teacher. Take a. reign, state` the principal facts, lead the pupil to make deductions, proceed gradually from the known to the unknown; also compel `them to study history with the map of the country before 1 them. L . T 11.. 1ur....1.. c1......1,... ......... .. -....... ..1.........;a. UIJVII-I IN. HUIIILJ JILHUULJ VVIIJII U510 lI.l(llI UL VIIV before ithem. Mr. Mark Scanlon gave a very eloquent address which contained `many valuable . suggestions, and urged those who had the moulding of the young minds in their hands tn an:-n11rr'HIv nu-nnnrn fhmnunlvnu in Hm}. muulumg U1 IJIIU yuuug IIIHIUB 1H. hueu` llunu to thoroughly prepare themselves to that end. It has never been our lot to listen to a ner discourse on education than that delivered by Mr. Scanlon. ' Dav, Mw MnWnA rain? 9. urn.-hit-AY\n1~nr1 mennomsr. cnou-. _ . S'e"vera1 educntionista from the North .RidingLhonored-us wi,h their p'resance_a.ud` `naaba nnli .. m.+.1a. ~ +n.+1m infnmn nf "Elm ......... ...._, .. _ --Mcn are en,qa.gcd gqtting cut ice from the Bay for Toronto Asylum. ` ' Thu Qnuann-)1 nnlnunnnn 1.? flan r`.nnn.\1' 1(1d1ng.I_1onored-us w1,I,1 men` presanceAa._na _ qqglegl not` a_ little ' to the interest of "the A..`.-.... 4.1.-.. ......... 1uI ......'... Q...-.4-_ mlueu. HOE a. {[3515 50` (I10 lHloU.l'U3|I_ UL IIILU pee . Among them were Messrs. Spot- 'ton, organ, Whnms, Huntqr and Ear i-mv --....., -- --............., .-----..- .._.- 7-... . Va ~ . I ,%l_1 next meeting will take` place in` the 0entralSchQo1, ._uun*i`,~'~_on the 30th and; ~31s.,`9:;..m=~x- I ' I . UUUKB. ` Mr. Thompson faoke to the toast The . r9EideTI+. Nnrhnwn Rmul His T.` THE total extensions of railways in this Province, dnri __1878,Vwero 136.03 miles, . iI'1o1\'1di.hgtenm' Qof the;Gredit Volley, Company from Woodstock -to Inge:-3011.` El3h_`eTtotail`1:`ai1way mileage of the Province. in now 3,534.58, This is exclusive. of the Canada Pacic cw": nan, melon n'nnah-`tin. .. NIL.`-.IA-.-; o;4ne' agq "xxgneuiy; puo uuuuuu. Lnvluu _ .w9at `of '1'.hund_erB,ay; new undpp _:ox;str_:n_c-; 5 Inna cu vvcluw vs -nun... "V..- v...... - Rscmnb this week at Tm: Anvmc: oice " new stock of ruled letter Headings, assorted sizes and styles. Orders forvprmting. them .611;-.d 'px-omptlv, and at cheap rates. a -. ....1 n, ,9, V`f5 I!uI5 Il|i5`Uu V_ I` V . If ' L, > _ ` FOR 31 I'xia4;&1>v.1:Ca will he shi for16ue7 year toany addreisu. ' A":n`:w 191: of` Fqnlacap zml -Nata. Paper`- just received at Tue ADVANGF. Olce. nu . 1 . u 1 - `:1, An; In bun L1: U- --A misblacexl switch caused the tender of an cn;_,rine to leave the track of the H. & N.. W. at the crossing on Tordnto Street, on Monday morning. um. , , -, L__.: A` .._......s_. .. .._...!..._ ..1..l. In Covsrxnnl: in the County will please re- mbmbex- that the authorized form for accnunh u-e,fn'r sale at Tn: Anvxxcs Oice. 1':-ice, 20 cents per duzen, D081: ' 12-..}..- u_:_ _-__I_ .1. Nina A......uu. hm..- . SAgqnr-zrs H:ms.. Mwchan};1`ailnm, Malgmoth have :5 change of advt. ' .-as .;v.s` THE ADvANt5.1;, best lucal paper in `tile. County, only $11; year, postage paid. - `la n_____. n-_.a.L _E.I_ n?__L1\.___1__ _L _-I`l_ ---..fJ. u..._,` g-._.. _,.,..., ,_,.....-O- r-.-- E. BETH m.,S6uth side West Duulnp_ 317., 35718 the best brands of tobaccos: cigars, pzptzs, and. `all smoke:-`s sundries. Call and try him. -"" r""'L` '-- '"'-- 7' ` ` Tm:_D1wa `Sro1u, opposite`-the. Barrie Hotel, is the best place in town to purrbnse drugs, medlcixies, dye stuffs. perfume!` . toilet` articles, &c., &.c. Mr. Monkmm _ eega a good stock `and sells cheap. Prcscriphqns carefully. dispensed. - ` ` m_,_ 1- _:_u__2 A.'.1 cI...:.... .: H... Mnihmiiab wan vsuu ~ uu-ruuguu. Tm! Laidiea Aid Society of the Methodist Church will hold a. Reunion in the Sunday School Room, to-morrow (Friday) cvenin ._ An interesting programme will be provide The band will be in attendance and play "several selections. Doors openat 6 30 o'clock. Admission, 20c. go go pgwcn 5; C.)'s. for trash _S`aI-n`-ages of thevlgest make, ` THE wagon of a pedler named Wines from Schomberg, was robbed of$80 worth of cloth while in the stables of a Cooks- t_own hotel the other night. - To INNKEEPERS. _ n,...:.,. ',.:-n... q..,..t:n.'. A` 4.1 J Copies kyfthe Section of the Amended Act relating to the liabilities of Innkeepers are for sale at Tm; ADVANCE Olc. Price, postpnid, $_l per hundred. Every hotelkecper should gave them postpd up in the rooms of his tote). ' ` _ --Thcice seems to be the popular drive these days. ' II-.. ..-A Annnn;..'I .unJC:r.n I\I":" :nn 6'--nun OLA oFp|ciAL[Ass1Gvnn OFFICE,` gsmu LEV ,.;31`_,,4.;:`f-;f;;):,;.l1'?:`l,._.!,;,:,:'.,= m we EST i`m"' mu in the heart of the Dark AGENTS. ,`_,_________.Conl,inent, and marvelous journey down the Uongo, by Ifnsnv M. Sm}:- LEY. N 0 other edition om compare with it for a.tt1':zet'xvcne3s and cheapncss. A G EN 1'5 \VA7\"l` in I) to aeml for full particulars: and be convinced : or tovsave time send 50 cta. at once for canv:-.asing back, and state choice of townships. .PmfuseIy1llustmtcd. Oven` 700 Pages. Price, only $2.25. A ,1.:..n.. man all rum. .1 sun: n It In Luann. a (nun, us-`J "-n`-vp . Address,,F(9B!BF. &c`Mc.1l.AKl_N, " 186 \V;;sr Fxrru S'mm:1', CINCINNATI, 0. Seasonable announcemens of visits to this neighborhood. will be given. 2-ly The Lessogs of the Ihuz-riAe Gas -\Vox-ks .beg to announce that they have on hand an excel- lent assortment of I . - - Of every description, chaste and elegant; de- signs, CHEAPER than thev can be urdha.s- e in any other town in Canada. T eywill also undertake the Piping of tench rates as to elefy competition., In` tending consumers will do. well to give the Lesaees an dpportxinity of tendering for their work before making their contract. _, All orders wt`! receive prompt attention; 1Ir 7 '|'rn1\r -nrr A 7 `Ill ! Ga-;8 % :F`1xm{res . -4-- .. a........ mu, Manager. "P. O. Bax.251. jlesidenc, Poynts-st.,. North o';d Commercial HoteL _ ' n-- an -no-yo ` an 1... ...._, n. ~There was a. gmd attcn(1anccn.'.;t}1c_xneet- lug of-the North lhdmg LlberalCunscrv;1tive Association on 'I`uc-sduy. I\ -u n n 1- .1-,. INFORMAVTION VF OF! Pl-IYSIGIANS. sumuszsn mm SEQ`-oamsn PEOPLE. Gram! Me.-zlal and l)Igvlofn:n at the Gcnxcnnilal, Phila- dcllin: (jtand Medal in the Universal E.\hi_bi- ti-m, Paris. France. Recommended bv a lame lib-/IPORTANT Norncx-:. `_" , ' ' . \ `Wi1d.'GAxne, eniso1, Wheat, Rye, Barley, .0atg, Malt, Beams`. 1 Ben, Flam-, -Clqvgr, 'lunothy S'e3ih,`&c. T ' 1 ` * A n .1-unvuvvu-:1 ? a nu` ....... .. Anna ans Dunn I-` rfm, llaeoemberu. 1813 'Ch:irles Clutlie's Pnt Il Spiral Trum sult of many years stu.-ly and material L-x;\:"ricnce.' Its per- ft-ct adaptability for ltuyture is rroven by . the thousands now in _ use. Among: its many - advantages :ire,a gen- tk-, constant and even pressure; it gives to the motion of the com lcte ventilation . , . , v '(nss ownin engrav- - ' in ); a clamping pressure which does not open (as all oval pads) but closes the aperture of Hernia, hence only one-third pressure is required. It is this latter feature that has made this truss so eminently successful and roved nkadicnl Cure. of from 50 to 70 per cent. 0 cases Pail has l:cen.the te- ' body without friction}. treated. This 1`nias_curetl persons_of over 90 years` ` of age. Only one belt round the waist, no leg strap: and no springs rcqui_red for its use. Apparatus for straightening Spinal Curvature. Hip General I:r.odu.ce r+!i`i; b:3inLt.s.~ 7=,i.L.i#9.1n_8,E,- ~ -n._:.'_.. 11.4.. rcquired for its use. Apparatus straightenin Curvature, Hip Disense. Bow L_cg, \V_ry. _Nec ' Club Foot, etc., nude oE most scienn c pnncxplen, Price same as at my n c-:. . .-.r- . '\I- -ya... nu--rv-'1-n 3:1 uununuu nun u-..:.u Lvuunncwac ...lnuis1 township and Bztrrio towxi coun- '~.i1 proceedings, together with :1 quantity of editorial ma.t:tor, are held over for next week. In` 1 L. x.(\A:n:_' n 1?; ,,, )sEPH I{OGERS, uousts, smnzs GIVIIJRKGH-Es ac. "Ea:-x_-ie, Dec. 10, 1878? ms! GAE` dclplnan; rax.d Medal the Universal Exhibi- ti-m,_Pans. Frrmcy. ltecqmmended by large number of ou'r lcadmg medical mcn. . Sf!) D3 O:-`Opposite the}Qucen`s Hotel, Barrie. ` CHARLES CLTUHE, ,1 ,,1 A ____._L__- \ jgwmv. 5:n>.1`m.I1` '1:SA1NTERs. For the Couxity of Simooe, *c'.uv\>u Lax nunvvun, any nun. uu \JI A\.IL -A4Iw.\u u yvn. --To correspondents : " 0rillia--N0 an- onymous coxnxnummtlons 1nscrte'd. Rea.der" --Your letter 12 not deemed of su"1r:ient pub- lxc mtcrest. V _ ' . u .1 u.', -an L 1,,_: IW E8!%P *su ;ww"L*`&0vi*A~v `HAW R0 b.~:a------ ------e \.a....v-4..., . Surgical Appmxtua Manufacturer, King-sb., Hamilton. G GS, NO`1`ICEs.. Fifcf, QOBURN & c(_).,.- T u ..... ....:. rv..;......'.:....:;..." 4 I,8...-I.. A `Mod Exciting 'm.-rm`nIin,rr uni nlrwnrhincr --. - `.-_`.- ..--__-_-_ W. LITFLEHALES: \I _ _ _ _ -.. Ponrca: Cocrm`. Barrie; 4'vIoI.I\~J .. ..... ...b. They intend to organize a. rowing club in `Barrie to see what. can be done in the way of [our-oured crews. We can beat them in that as well nsin single scu1l.or if`. miytiiim; eiae-they like to get, up. for that nmatcr. But talking of rowing, was their experience last season so grati- fying and sntisfmtI9r,\' that they are so anxious to try it, again," ~OnHza Tmus, `Yes, to be sure 1 \Vhy nct_'. \Vc out-rowed you last season, and can do it again and. not turn 0. hair, so to speak. Drag (tiw.t s you). is A great fellow, but old settle-doAwn-to-hi; work (that's, we) can get over him, every time. 50-ly > 1'n.snx_x.ur_x. The (in'u Enf- h.h R mu-dv, 31' uuyiaiv cure hr ' Weak- - n`e Spommnra - rhm l`m|I91e_ncy. .ud`ntl '.'|l,*"'l . ` nmrullow as 1 _ ' no-qu-m-enfS'eH'--` ` -H . `Mum-; II ' I ul'N`rl(\f_\ - i- Bfr TIhng., Lnuiuudc, Pam m the ~Dnmu-us of Txsinn `|`g;`.I:IIdl'man\-uiwlhn}- diseas9Ihn Ie { mp mum a rrmalure mm Ilcnlun moor pamphlet, whit-h we d4 `*7. ml "_'_-3-rv um: :3-the spe - WCIJ: -' n`~iJ;"?pem`.|tnr- - _ .r|n~n |lII[\DlE_)F- . an tlmli`-yhow ` ..'-qu.-m-enf`S'eH'- , -:14 2.: , .Ah:`)u-; - ' cry. 0- Before '1 aking.,3'.,,,.';"1',m-sauna, . ~;` W:-inn. Premature Old I31`. and` mum` other din,-vnlalhsl land to Insanity or 1}`:-n`::nmp1i.jmnnd ?ml r-m.;':_IIr|:- Gmge."[.'o'l:Ie1|`|d|'I|r- ucn unmourpn' at an no eg I I ree by men: In -Vt-rlyuulw ` t3'_l`he Sp:-cnc Medicine il 8.0%! Py `ill Drnglgiglu ll yfl peg` paclgelge. or lg!` g- ages or oywil euenl rec ynuu onrccep o a money by eddreuing - . TIIE Gila! MEIDICINE C0. vxv........... (\..e F-....:In --KZ `I-$T"'- O'JII---v-&- '2 vrw, " ' - `Wuwaqn, pun. Cnnadn. Qokl in Rama hv nll Drurtilld and bv all whole. Isle and null Druggisu m Cangdduud the U1iled Swen. . ' 3-ly. ' St:-eyed on the promises of the undersigned a. RED STEER, rising three years, with spreading home. ~` Parties provingv property and paying costs can have the same by apply`- ing to the undersigned. If not claimed in the course of three weeks the Sheet will be sold. Hillsdale, J anuaty 29, 1879 Being the south half of,Lot 26 in the 81:}: Con., Inniatil, 100 acres more or less. About 30 acres cleared and fenced, soil is chiey clay loam. ' There are on the land a log house, log Itsble andhlo barn, also a. frame barn, well, root house, 3 ed, _&c. About 60 acres well timbered. The propertyxs delightfully situated on the shore of Lake Simcoe and in the immediate neighbnrhoed of the most valu . able farming ortion of the Township. And will be sold c eap with easy terms of payment. Apply personally or by letter to - Tl7A'!'Q('\\T 1'! l) V4LiJA_BLin HEM Eon SALE Dnlnn LI... ..-_LL I.-I -1 1' ..L nt! 1. LL- OLL Barrie, _June 5th_, 1878. IFOR. SALE ;*.Nf) FO 1:cEN1'.`:` yo AU! .I.UA\Juvv 4;u.y Anna: -The Session-al a.11owa_nce of the County` Councillors will in future be limited to eight` days. - ' rm.....,, ...n.. .. ,.-.\.{.1 ..-4....,1..;`.... +4.1... .mm+ V A Large, Rough-hast Dwelling, on the east side of John St. negxr H. & N. \V. station, "with quarter acre of ground. A (`Al-Ln- nn H". -um; .-AA.-. ll` D....`I C!L..-..i. "nun \`|AI:ua vvl. uvlv ua auuuutu A Cottage on the west side of Peel Street, containing 5 rooms ; quarter acre of ground. A T...-m. -1'z......1. .....s. Q.-- ,... u... ........-- vvnouloaull-I5 U IVUAAIJ I` Kluul U1-A VIC UL sl.UlulIJ\|u A L_a.r e, `Bough-cast Store, on the corner of -Baye and Collier Sta; a. suitable piace for a. Hotel. use-r... ... _ Aw: I. ....-luv-. Park Lots 14, on_Lot 21, in the 4th Concession of Vespra, containing 5 acres ; each are under cnlttvation and well fenced. V 1 -4. n :. L1... :14. (1,... 15-..--- um _,___ v-..... w... nun. vunvli uuuvu. uuu. n 554.; gcpccu. Lot 8, in the 51711 Can. Vcaprzy, 100 acres, upon which is a quantity of timber and uplan- dul water privilege. The Lot is -convenient to the North Silixcoe Railway. -nnnuru rr,u '1 u, . u -.- .-.--..v --..--.-.-J. A TER/MS.--Ha1f oMf the purchase honey. down, the balance secured by Mqrtgage at(; v per cent. interest, - For further _p..rticu1ax-3 apply fo MRS. J. O'NEILL, orto . - 1*. `ll'..r\r\'\? A 1 1 Cot-.!BTaycld and Collier Sta Barri,,1873. A _ ~ 41-ct" .22- Pu:-saanl;_to the Decree and Final Order for Saldof the Court of Czmcorv, mzgde in a'snit Aof Gowan vs. Hare, there will be sold by i :-u---- -: ---Lj-41-n T /---7 -:.__ _By n.nd with the appfobatioxx of the under- . signed Master, at the BARBIE CJT IE}L,_ In the TOWN OF` BARRIE, on I4lUlJ ` ` -The Annual Meeting of Norblx.'Slmcoe L.O. L. was held in the Orange Hall, Barrie, on Tuesday. There was a large attendance of delegates. The following olcers were elect- ed: Bro. Wm. Boys, Master; Bro. `Thomas _ Plunkctt, D.M.; Rev._ Mr. Harris, Chaplain ; Rev. Mr. Macdoxmld, D. Chaplain; Bro. Jno. Mackay, (Orecmm-e), Secretary; Bio. Wm. Black, (Orillia), Treasurer: Bro. -- Steele, Director of Ceremonies ; Bro. H. Kidd, Lec- turer ; Bro. D, Little, D. Lecturer`; Bro. R. Roberts, 0. T.; 'Bro. Thos. R-owley. 1. T. The next Annual Meeting will be held on the ` first Tuesday ill February, 1880. L`. .1` 1.1.- 1.'L.LI_ Jl.......I.L'.... .. SATURDAY, the 8th day of FEBRUARY, 1879, At the hour of 12 o c1clck (noon), in one par-l eel, free from incumbmnces, the following Lands and "Premises, that is to say :- - 13-: ....... ..,..u A` :1... nr....L 1 ..c 1 .; xv- uauxsu uuu -. Avuauivu yuan Au uv nu-J . - Boin composed of the \Vcst 3; of Lot No. 27 in t e 8th Concession of the Township of Mnlmnr, in the Countyof Simcoe, containing 100 acres, more oz-less. Between -10 and 50 acres ore clearcd.a.nd't for cultivation, the rexnainder is Well timbered, principally with Beech and Maple. The soil is a sandy loam and of -good quality. The cleared portion is all fenced, and most of the fences are in fair condition. There is a large Frame Barn` on the said lands 30. x 60, in good condition. There is apost oico about 2 miles distant, and churches and a school house within3 miles. V The said lands will be sold subject to A -reserved bid,xed by the said Master. The Title is good. "nnxrn1r'nfn\m rm... ........1...........1...u .; u... WARM PROPERTY 2! `iSJ1?i6N a.unov Au avv\nI " CON D_ITIONS--The purchaser shall, at the time of sale. pay down a deposit in the pro- portion of $10 for every $100 of his purchase money to the Vendor or his Solicitors, and shall pay the balance of his purchase money into Court to the Credit of the cause within one month thereafter with interest at 9 per cent. In other respects the conditions of sale are the Standing Conditions of the said Court. For further `particulars apgly at the offices of Messrs. Ara agh, Strathy Ault, and Mo- Caithy, Boys & Pepler. in the said Town of Barrie, or at the office of the undersigned Master. ' .1... ~ -...... Aamaa, Srnuuv 5; Ann, Vendor Solicitors. Ifwo G32`? txrmnsi To svnscmnxns To PHBENDLUGICAL TJEURNAL AND summon own:-:)u.1'n. Tl1 known, hgvin been before the reading worl forty years. mg occupying a place in lnteratnro exclusive] its own, viz.: the study of HUMAN NAT RE in all {ht nhmlen, int-]nr1inn`Phrm1n1n.7v, Phuni; -Tl1e'suddcn death, from an illness which I did not at all indicate :1 fatal termination, of ' the wife of our respected townsman, George Lount, Eaq., is one of the sad events of the week in town. The deceased lady'wa.s sn- dowed with many cstunablo qualities, and was held in hi gh 1-esfrsct-by all who knew her. Her sudden demise ms produced a feeling of profound regret throughout the whole com- munity. Mr. Lount; we feel assured, has the heartfelt sympathy of all his friends and acquaintances In the hour of his heavy aii - tiun. ' .... . u '1: ,:'ir_..n. .c<:......... I1, Ylloi DUI! ubuuy OI l1U AVJILAV AVA]. U IIEJV in allits ha3es,_ including Phrenology. Physi- ognom , thnology, Physiology, etc., together with t e Sermon on HEALTH, and no ex- ense will be spared to make it the best pub- cation for general circulation, tending al- wnva to make men better nhvsicallv. manta}. ways to make me ly, sud morally} Township ef Mulmur. uculon IO!` g6I16l'8| 01161113515103, uenalng IM- :`v:3r:n1(:1on::1;;rl:l`;nen beittcr physically, mental- 1st.-THE PHRENOLOGICAL BUST This is made of Plaster of Paris, and so let- tered as to show the exact location of ' each of "the Phrenological Organs. The head is nearly life-size, and very ornamental, and until re- cently has sold for $2.00. This, with the il-T Inch-afar` Iznv whinh mmnrnnnniml nan}: Rn;-at GBDUY D35 3010. 101' $1.15). 11113, Wll `H10 11- lust!-ated key which accompanies each Bust, and the series of articles now being published in the J OUBXAL on Brain and Mind, will en- -able thevreader to become a. successful student of Human N ature. -"9:id,-A NEW BOOK PREMIUM. The Temperaments; or, Varieties of Physical Constitution in Man, in their re- lation to Mental Character and Practical Af- fai;-8 cf Life; $1.50. - ` A aim um-In thnnlv m-m nn H11: nnlnh-ml. nf mu-acr_14ue. 1.ou._ ' A new work; the only one on the subject of Temperament-e now before the public, and treats of this important sulxjectin a_most' com- prehensive manner, showing its bearings on marriage, education and training of children, occupation; health and disease, etc. The book contains about 250 pages, and 150 por-` traits and other illustrations ; in .ha.ndaome1y printed and bound in extra ne muslin, and can not be procuredat less than $1.20 retail, except when taken as 5 Premium. 'l`EllM5.-_-'_l?he Joumvzu. is now publish- ed at $2.001 year (having been reduced from $3.00, for 1878),` single Noe, 20c. 25c. extra. must be received with each subscription to pay pottag" e on the.JoumuL and the orpens of boxing end. making the. But, which wili .t1;gn be-santehy, exprest; or No. 2,'the small th P:ein1nm_Bnok, wJ1ich,wi1l_be sent ' 'IInII' hnthtni.` . ' II. "Wlljl,8 f?8:(30'.'..Pnhllaho,I:I, ' ' 73Z.]3roQdw_ay, New York. annual: mg rr6!1u_uIn_Dqox, wpxcn, mu ne sent. .7 P. .P"-`.d-'. . . [ f T AGENTS WANTED; Se nd.l0 cents for `Speoimen Numbe; and Term. _. V v _____.-_v_ - .24 _ ,_,v_ \V' B DIVE nyrangetf U|`UD_.I.NQ e flmo: yoqxqgu. _ Jou1}xA_L;,qpd Premmms, as above, `Which Wlnbe Apvmc; 161- azao'n.:a :.r.' " 3.39. lwjucn wmpq yuynl __*-~..9.?E-,?E'L |TRAYED p Large` ind` C:mmm B1-lnkihwcllings u on the Corner 0! llaynld and Woralcy Sta.- uLuauuA Dated 14%}; January, 1879. We have nrimged`6i cnwnmixa ,thbPnni1o; -omen Jotrxnw-fiioi-f.1`Pr. an. which :Wll'r THE A`nvAvrvII TH AAN;OERYT SALE J caxwjs. - 0 u a'* c"1`a`i::` luau |.u.vuuu_y us .u vu-.uuuJ, avvva _ . -The sndden death of the little daughter of "Dr. Nichol, Cookstown. shows how fatal to children are pulmonary affections, and how necessary it is to _ exercise the utmost prompt- ness in dealing with them when the sym - toms first manifest themselves. The ch" (1 was visiting in Baprie at its grandparents , Mr, and Mrs. Keatimz. and caught aslight oua PREMIUMS. vu iv D. McDoNALL, FOR-_S-A_LE, run `I. u-J ...... uv _ WATSON C-. ORR. Land and -Lna1_1 Agent, Barrie. fin 11 Eng- h.h'R -:{.-unit` . WEIR? .____..._,._ . grime % 2.15 L~:;3:'i:1Tcmn, V Hillndnln J. R. COTTER, . 'RI....l..... -1. D--. was visiting In barrio 0.17 1178 granupawenus Mr. and Mrs. Keeting, caught a. slight cold on the Thursday. The cold did not a;l)- -peer to need any thing more than the sum) remedies, which were administered to her, but it quickly assumed `alarming 9. pcarances, and on the Saturday proved feta The pa- rents arrived, but too late to see their little one alive. There was no negligence that we know of. on` the part of any` one-the case. was but one of which many occur ; but it never- theless serves to show that too great care cannot be taken of ` anyone suifering from a cold, and particularly when the person is a_ little child. The slightest symptoms should have prompt professional attention. 11T:n 4.1.- ...... ..A......H.-Inn `Inn-inane mnh nf tzhnx ink." ma mu. 'Premnlum (lid ! w l i 4 Av: vva. -..-.c;-,- Master at Barrie. ll}!-NET Luauzue. 5-3t Epociany bonghf for tho Xmas Trade, which are now being. displayed his lnrge Show n . Room. .Such an Assortment has never been seen thxs town before, and at prices which cannot fail to mtmfy all. I ! A 0 9 - u 19 I't\II1l'1nIlI `II VII I1` Ixmas and1TwYertG'-itts I B nunuu wcuuvll a Every A rticle is Marked at the -Very LOWEST Possible Figure. As our goods mustebo cleared out before the 151: of January.. The inhabitants of Barrie and surrounding district are respectfully invited to - Gert and See these Goods Before Pure/zasing elsewhere. `CALL EARLY IN ORDER` THAT YOU >MAY HAVE A GOOD CHO.lCE~ luonrumn BOOK nlgrosmronv <>F} F AN CY Gr .'<?.!3_ 5!. - uquunuuu a coma No1{ii_. ;Expres1. A.?\I. 'OlI'AI uu u-:o---V-;u;j._--- cHB.Is%*x';\ms; {AN}? 3__\mW[WjZzEAI>.% mans swans: rgmmms mag zramswom. nn1n1n:n'In IL. l1...-..7- `ROYAL TINSURAMJE 00'? OF . -- LIVERPOOL .~L\'DLO.\`.!)0N-}~`IlU-J AND LIFE. LIABILITTOF sH,zI:1~:Hn'.'.ERs um/mo. CAPITAL .. .. .. Fuxns I!~v`ESTED'0VER .. AN.\`u.\L Income Ovm: .. Russ:-znvnz Fr: 'n .. .. .. Dm-nsxwnxx wmx um l)o3u.~;xo-\- ' (}ov1m:.\u:3<'r ` .. - ~.. Money a;lvancedVon' easy terms {or long periods, repnyablc at boz'rbwcr's option. ~ `FIRE INSURANCES Effected in ENGLISH STOCK COMPANIES at modcrntr-. m!.es. Pmiinu, - Secretary. Trras, , Imp: clar, - JAMES 3317kvA :4 vs, co2vv'1c1m\`cu_a, &r., - ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. POST OFFICE G, BARBIE. Bar:io._S__;p_t.__l'1A. 1.538`. _ 3 ARRIE LOAN, MSURANCE AFD DISCQUN'l` OFFICE. MONEY rho LEND 3_1"A12.\1 AND {OWN PROPERTY A 1"8 rm: CENT. .T.. Vedvertises, on the other hand, seeks the -other. stbiecihbie at old`: tag` it . nII' "- IIKIVB pl.'ULl.l.Ju 1n:uLvu:uvuag nun... ....... B -Will the nontiadhvelgtiing busfiness r1111enD of arrie ease res. t e o owin rom t e e- troit cw; :-Some business hguses advertise; others do not. The letter pride themselves on their established business connection which renders `advertising entirely unnecessary. The are ixzlde endent in P11 tliingsg the` open mar et, en . o notcere or t e c s 0 cas- tromers who show any anxiety on the subject of prices. _ Their customers can afford. to pay fair prices for the goods they purchase. and iftheir circle of customers isuotso large, they still makegood prots. .The house that general trade-the trade of people who buy where they can be `to the best To eeteh' trade t ey not only advertise; but theysellvon smell margins, znaki their prot onythe greater -`number of s es. A Itrikin illustration wins brought to `our `atteu-J tionegay or two since. A~per-sou an ex"-tiele. ofj'fqrnitnre visited severelf Eaton-_es;_ At one couqervetivejd est:i_b1ishruent_, wluch'~ notoriously `nersdvqrtisea..a*9rt&1npxccaw9s'i ' gzth of `jAti]g1.2_ .: H. J1?;MES~,%: IIanager.| H. James now holds tho Agency for three of the principal Loan Companies of Canada, and is therefore in 0. position to place Loans on most favorable terms to borrowers. ADVANCES MADE o.'\~ NOTES AND!` 'MORT-GAGE BOUGHT. kzr A:._-1`EE.'iS llnnnaifn Una? mnn Rn:-I-in n! {L PERSOl*I..-tL- 1'-no l- }jJ`I;'1`Y. |RemIs and Accounts Collected. SE`. EI` Farms and Town Properliesfor Sale At very low gures. I Tun manmii cnaumn 1\ The xidoraigned ha.s_ Um sole agency in Barrie for the |sILvn sun swan or can tuL| holds in the case ox ury guuu, : ,........... and everything else.` - V-The faame goods can be ?pur'ohuedv foz_.les`i 'mono y:-`of thdse how th-~-1+~=ti~ weir o lair: `Cd-I Eatablishgd 1803. C`;1Vpt1b:;l,` $11,030,000. For Fire Business Only. ' ' LII)? Inllnlnum 'n___- Lover than in Toronto. August 29:11, 1877. December 10, 1878. mm: FoL1:aF3;af:;, mazzap scum} Begs to inform the inhabitants of Barrie and surrouudiixgcountry that he has commenced business in the above line, and by his long ex- perience of and practxce in the. business he hopes to be able to give entire satisfaction to all who patronize him. _ . Iujxila. Brennan in Silk. Satin, Valvnfz, 11IIE,1mF.s.1v1B1'T17 LOAN AND (J At'I\VIvL\ rV1\ |'FrnI(\\"|w\ - an W110 PGEFOXJIZG mm. Ladle. Dresses in Silk, Satin, Velvet, Mex-inoes, &.c. . Dyed or Cleaned equal to new Gmul amen : But: :4 Dyed or Renovated and nicely nished. -`I4`p.n1-.h'ern. Tmnes. Umbrellas. n'n Rhsulnn n DJCBIY l'l1'llSllC(l. -Feathers, Laces, Umbrellzxs, Sun Shades, dyed all the newest colors and dressed. Kid Gloves Cleaned. ' -All kinds of ousohohl I)r.z1pory Cleaned or Dyed. Carpets, Ommbcloths, Hearth Rugs, &e., cleaned. Sheep Skins Cleaned or Dyed, 11'-var-nvvvwrs runrxn 1';-Iaxvrrwv-1 I111-|'I\ i:IE-.:\-'i`.H}:~]E`' " 1`3E3s"'"f{I7:$*bVX13ED. _Aa:a1v:rs`-v_<-rA_1\TTED; nuuu-nu. an-. Fnkvvv . NBRTH EAST CORNER 05" GULLIER AND b BAYFIELD STREETS. Registry Omco for Servants. Barrie, April 15. 1878. 16-ly n_onIeu_ mm 537.9 _3" @3273 M W l:VSTAL__P;AAl3lE Jl_A__v 'G9LD,.sILv1m &0THER GARDBOARDS, xrumim n6`n;'.BRA1p1ib,- bin . ~ -4? ` 7 Evert brougrhtrinto ithe KC<-)11Vnt3`r. i TOYS OF ALL KINDS. DOLLS, AN IMMENSE STOCK ` Bohemian Ware and China Goods. 8600 Wouluo Choose from, BRA1DS.LACES, .. . i V B1_i1B,LI_N AND OTHERWOQLS, - UNDEP~CL0TH.ING,.&o., &. '1 A jyW"A~X,FL0WER nnquxsnns, F1? ERS.QT`9MANS.. V a \. - - `_0lI.8!'I10N.1'Ass`1Ls, ,.g.,, ~ 5.? 5' -s 7 amfs`sii5z2";sisL&, s, I w. A ~ H. FREEMAN - `Il..'I'I9\c-u-- Remember the Stand, -Mom-e s Buck Black, nearly opposite the Sum- mersctc House H`"cS'i;i'i5'}{"'E`7{'"6"N ORDERS SOLIOITED; W. B. GRPON, n nnnnnn an .-..'n Umnuy `D.-\-C-w "1oAL OIL FOR mm MILLION: The best Oil ever `offer-2-1 tathe public, :1 11.13 _ .I.'l.IIlL4l'4l.L\J.Lll.J la`! SAVINGS C0.. 'I`EON'l`U. Th largest stock of io'ods suitable for the ||t\I'|I\A\\I\l-Ants-u Of L')n-I-m, E=1__g1a{u 1 , Et;aAl;l`is:he4i Au-`qr no-4`-g-.___.` 17s2._ N"ASTE NOT i w AN1` NOT. LAUGHLAN M-11_E?D0NALD, 'ALEXAN- T W 'S?C>'I".'I'.' I 13353 T-M A s I T E-Jim -INIJ--l-'nI I . Opposite Post Oice. Barrie, Out. 6- 01=rosu'n Q.v:E1:n's HOTEL, B.uuin~:. JAMES EDWARDS, mam, Companys Valuator. .....-_--i Remember the place : FIR`? l\lIf`lIPI` {IF ll! :Lz'I.1a'u S'1'Ul!|'\ u moderate mtes. ..__. .. $10,000,000 D `OVER .. 16,000,000 :O\'m: 5.000.000 3,750,000 11 . 1` 150.000 JAP.`! as e:rNAnns, . " Agent at Ila!-rin. I oum.oP ` STREE r, aAame. b Has just received Several Hundred Dollars": 1`!-0;-VI : an llmileis Variety at All P:-Ices`. }__ C In n.LI~`.~; itmsm-:'1`soN. 1'.ouw.m` .Amsxs`mo.\'a. Hox. \V:\r. l\fIC`MABTEll.' '---'I'\Ii El-- '. 3; Hanna, | A gent at Barrie. _nQ--' o 85-3m ' ALEX; iwonnows `Ab'v'1*s`. _ .,v,zv~\V...... ..\.w~a.. .,~A. :`[;x/1&lYl}.i\`,IVE}VI_'1J`I>`.;"I/.`I. V`I#};3`LI/3 agoessm WMDNEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED. I ' The subacx-ibgr w]'_xiIst thankrur for the bers. paiggmge ;.l\'_'n 1n the past, respectfully 8'0- tsa conunuance of the (same, and ban to state that his . 1 :-An nnnnl-nu-n n. nnnuinunnu. ms, eau5&7E"o"PauvI's|uNs Cannot bga beaten either for quality or prlc. lie - doais m the neat Markets, and cannot be undersold by any house in town. V' - ""1 As much as he can lay his hands on, baugt; and 4 the highest. market price paid. _)-c`sa_ET"s_K`n]3*pnovIsIo i_ .,r 1 .r..-\__/ \ T. !" 9 MAS. _'-El" NP X GROCERIES, CHEESE & FRUI r THE NEW BRICK STORE, NORTH s'1m-: ` ' 01? DUNLOP STREET. ' ___.-..__ ._ -._..__.._. -.-w ._ .___.-- V. And all other goods kept in Va Firahclasa General Store. Cheap for Cash. The public in my neigliborhood will find it to their ad- vantage to inspect my stock and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere`, '4 au4`9-.'--:-- gunngn mwscans.s3nocaIs.cnucxEnv% BOOTS AND SEIOES,. '. I REABY'IADE CLOTHING, To the Ladies of Barrie and :Vi'c:'in"y: Min Morton having entered into oo-partllch ship with Miss Jackson, and removed to new premises, Dunor Snuzrrr SoL"n'I, 0I`I_`0sl'Il-`. THE B.uum=: Horn.-, begs to inform the public of these facts and to state that she is nutv better than ever able to meet the requirements of her increasing trade. The new `hn ro- Bnectfullv ask a. call from ladies requiring am - A (av; Doors North of the Wellington Hotel, Bavcld Street. Ban-lo Perfect. satisfation in all workAgIV.1`1-antccd. MORTON 3; ucxsou. Barrie, October, 1873. ` _ ` 7.`-,4.4.1y. Wialxo to inform her oust6mar':1;`1.i:aIinahc; is prepared to reeoive order: tot}- u; uer Increasing nrnuc. 1na naw_ gnu u-- s tfully ask 9. call from ladxcs rcqumng an) 3 mg in the line of [Jm 14.1373. *uIu_1Nma1','nm-ass AM) Mu- 'n.ts M-.umv'G._ 4 mmss% my name. v. NORTHERAILWAY- % STFLAVY woR,K sramwlzqe. FOR 31n'm,Nuv,% iunzm REAR,-01.3.! 1ist;iV1;i{iaRK'r; - ' ' BARRIIE: fr: 1' n '_ .&c.. ;:_x.. __s:."`7 xpeaiaence, Em gigs .of ' S; 'MULQ_ASTER' iiann I L " "'- "-9" "'3. E`! `:';`.;..7~' ' "' THEBEST BU1m IN?G.oiI~ IN PICTURES TAKEN? Of his Photo,r;ra1.hs is Superior to nyv they have had taken yet; _ 47-613 Nov. 13th. #1578. IEIC)'V77' IS IT A ALEXANDER mnuowf 1-,, F2. KENG, Jn*", "\RAlGI1UB.S 1` CHEAP sroliifii` PHOTO. GALLERY -V-STYLE AND. FINISH- - v4(N(;%.LIT$(E77I *Ii3I}:*i" 110 U s Li mn3u:aE717aonUc1a:, _._t_ .._s.. , N cw and carefully selected stock oi That so mauyvpeople now go to Mnglogli-1 "XMILTON ac` NOR'I`H-WES- TER-N RAILVVAY. 'OTICE! CARD. PI-l{CaTOGR`AMPHlNG. A sg-lonciivd Stock of choice 1 j: T D? 1 1 T T 1 ' site (he Queen : Hotel. 35-17 Because they `nd the ?._I_ i=5H Vsw_.{_N. INIILLINISRY. `wh1e`.1gh.`i;;5 is iniimous 16 shill`: ' U133 1' BARRLE; i ROUND TOWN DASHES. 46-1Y 3: Hold 3;: _- .___-. _-.-vw--um-u\r.u -lg. j0APITAI.. $12,000,000, e Annx, nlolucow, Agent. IismvlxmyI_x1sg1Igw;_aj: .u.'nx' u6s{ixw,' .Au`mhj. ......_...`.._._.-.'-p..------...-__._...._..__,, * 1!l0llR0W.TAx_enI. Appraiser for te ;Express.{ Mixed. Express.I F _A-M-. 1 55.51. [ 1-.M. 0240' . ILL. 7:00 9:10 10:35 I \.l'l 1 :*I 11:17 11:30 11:42 11:54 12:00 mm". ` 7:0-') 7: )7 7:19 7:30 7.(`2 HE 09@NVIw.$umBancw<=o% J%%W1I%%~1 45.1". _ 7:30 11:30 I .')K ';s1-`.= :;`1'." nu: A M 7240' 7:50 ~ 8:10 . '8:3O 9.51 I I IOU 1:35 2:00 3:23 3:55 4:15 4:35 34:45 `$1,750,000. Canada P;1-'maneTtV`TI.o:1n and Savings Company. ` l`.AD`l"'I"AT. , on -um Mn V .. .. . ..-.--.. `._...'...x.-3:5}; cuucu uu' us no-LIIIY-V _ -_-Carhicll loctur'g-'l_ in Calling:-o on Fri- day night. { - ' - T --Mr. 0. .L,Lees;V1>.I,.s., Axum, was m Barrie on g-`ri(d_;gy.' _ ` ` ' `H v-.-TIie Tandy Brat. -are going ta ing i Callingwood, shortly. Q '- --_-llr. Chris. Moore has opened H19 Gr-`md Gent-ralIIot<=.1,_ Orillia, ` - ' XI... `D.....__ -\v.u 1' ` ` ' ` gwom OK our gsauquuu: uu .Lu\.Du.slJw --Rev. Dr. Fraser, Presbyterian Minister,` Bond Head. has sent in his resignation .to Barrie Presbytery. . r*1...'....L..L!,. (Iv-nnv hawk -nn .-.nnnin.`.m1 linen. Marne rrez-my wry. ` V V -Consta.ble Greer l1a.3'b'_'en appointed keep- er of Cookstown newlogk-up, by the County. Council. ' - - -r A ....... -_ `- .....L..J-A-r cu-Ln C.-u-rnnu-Tu UOUHCH. -Ja.s. Cosgrove, ` a prjinter; who formerly lived in Gollingwood, was killed on the brain `while on his _v_va.y_ fifom Memphis. nn 1-\,.__.:___ 'n......,. .1` Q...;..A..I.. 'L\7.n Wmw uu um `way. Aliuua. 4.---..-u,uvuu. --Tho Deputy-Reeve of .S:u'1uida.Ie-, ' Wm. Switzer, Esq., was yesterday appointed ' the tounty Director on the H. 8;. N. \V."1`a`.1wn.y Board. 5 ' ' - V ~ --- - 1. . . 11.-. . uuux us _We were please-1_ to meet our cl_d friend Mr. Henry Fraser, of Grnvcqluxrst, 111 tqwn last week. He was bath fef.-lmg anal Xookxpg llgznrby. , ' ` _ ' . xrlm \Vm Qknnhansf nnxn1il_im1 .w1z. rmn-pf. ngznrny. . _.Mrg, Wm. Steph_eus' condiLion..we regret to lea.i`n, is very critxcal. The lady, it will be mmcuiberezl, full on the icy `sidewalk on Mulcustcr-st... recently. fracturing her. hip. She is under t-hc care of Dr. Mcconkey. . ' - I,,.'l.`,LI.,.,,,'13,,.AI`A1I,,, w.-v IQin,V$I-lB\Iv`3b'\7 UL UU .yII|'U. ' ` -Mr. \Vm.vJohnson, M. A., thus" opened A, branch law otficein Stayner. - ..'I"hn .`lm.u. :. ..................: ..r u. -r\,.1...... ....-__.....-._......__...`...._....._.._._..__.. ......._....._..v '!`he Isolated Risk Ixnsurane Co: vuuouvla u.-u uuwu zu uvztyuul`. -The dcatl} is announced of Mr. `Colgau, the Keennnsvxlle poet, known as `fFagan. ' __.Mr ',TnLs\ Qbn-J-nun \. Q 1'1: `nnI7i'nn' -Iv_uvuu|u,uvuvcn LUI uuu uuuvuu ua. um .u......... I ---Rev. Dr. Hunter, Collingwzood, preaches on the Llarriagg Question nex`."1`}mrsday; .. .. . ..-. -n .\ ~r,,__,L__ .__--- u_y ncvuuu Ill unu...g....-._ -R2v.' Samuel Rose,of '[`oro;ito,will occupy the pulpit of -tho Barrie Mgthodist Church on Sunday. , - rm..- .\....:..1:....; "F n-.a'r' am frimld Cant. gnu Au _uuu.-- ---v --~v ~- ~ -~ --v_v-..--_,. -Izh1)i*esed with the c:)aviction. tliat there is no place like home, Mr. Robert Hngg`Lrt, .- after :1 few years` sojourn across the 'border, -has settled down In lxis native place, Barrie, and is hard at work 111` the establishment of 7 Mr. P. J. Moore. -`-Mr.'I. C.-Ca.preol, i r_esi of the'H1i- ran and Ontario _Ship Canal, gave us 2}. call last week. The gentleman, old in years, but youn g in heart, was as enthusiastic and hope- ful as ever about the gigantic scheme he has .had in hand so iong. \r.'. D....L,. ..c H... 'I`:..... ........ Ann-n --..-. ... .na.uv\-IV, vs nun. --M1-a. Bowcs, Nottawa, died lnsf week at the advancedagc of 90 years. ._\h- \Vm L-.k...... M A 1....` ......--ml-- .......... uvvnllla yuuv, nuuyuu as `a.'o5nuu . ---Mr. 'John Sbephens, V. 8., is leavihgj Lavender for Collingwood. Ir... n,~n,, ,2 .n2_;.-.. L..- ....-..,.` L- 4!... -... . --.-no av: vu-anus u I-Ivul 9M1`. Rolls, of Alliston, has gone` 0 the Sontern,Sta.tes for the benefit of his health. 4-: J15" ML- - .1 .._-- _|_ -_ I-Mr.`e1 Spry, P. Q. IHSDGEWF. SW0 us a.' friendly call on Friday 19 '1 1 v1'_,1 _4I_. :_ 1_....2.... 'l".uJn. an an Lonvlauml van. V... - -...__, ._}1.-_'Jo}m Head, who is_K1e:wing `Cooks- town for Milton, was entertamed at a._suppet by several of `his friends, ` . ` h . ,_ ' n ___....1 D... ..'G 'l`.u-nah; mill nnnnnv _ U APITAT;,r i nuuuuy. -:-The g,enia.l face of oak` old friend Capt. Kelly, .W arden of the Reformatory, lit up the gloom of our gangtuxn on Tuesday. 72,... T). Wrnwnr Prmbvt-erinn Minister. u;.n. A. . u . ---v--v. -Wo verv much regret to learn of th ill- ness of Mr. M. H. Harrison, Depu_ty-Reeve, ' who is conned t0'_tho house, suffenu from .1 very ainful ulcer m the neck. We ope to -be ab e_ to chronicle his co.111)1ete:_con\'ales- CCIIQO very B0011. us Y1 rd :1 1 n -1 . ,1-n,,--rr,_' -uau Au Luuu nu Luna. --Mr. Bea/con, of the Times. came down from Orillia on 1-`ridzxy, ainl took a; walk up to the Court Hduse. He. was determined that if, a.s`hc alleges in his paper, no d---(I Grit will ever warm the Simcoe Wardexfs Chair, one of that class was going to look at ' and feel bf it, at any rate. cur 1 -n I, ,,,,,_ LL_A -._.. --...'...... .~-.-- _--_ -_ _. _., v , _ , , ,_ -\VclarnVwit1`1plea.ute that bu? yotina -townsmau, Mr. P. V. Georgen, has auccecdea in passing crctlitably both as Barrister and attorney, at the recent law exa.miuaf;ion_s in_'1`oronto. Mr. T. W; IIvoward, la.ttcr1y,_a. sturlentin Messrs. Lount~&- Lnun't s'oice, lmzsnlso, we believe, passed his Bzwrister ox- aminatnon. u n,., n m - \.V 19,... .. ...\....,...J...1 11-min-In . LNUIIIISIUIUIL. 7 A-- Rev. '1'. V. Roy, a converted Bra.hmin,v applied to Barrie .Px'gsbytcry to be received into the Church and recognized as a student `for the ministry. It was decided iiililtile ap- plication .'cou1d- not be .cu_tertained.v Cou- sidcring that the man was recently cm1vict:o-.1 and sentence-.1 to imprisonment; for bigamy, the action of the Pi-csby'cery'is not to be won- dered at. ' ' g. 1 u 1\ ,,,1 ,,_L_ L,_ L_.....LL llL'l'ULl Hln I -Mrs. John Duminoxid, who has taught the Bible Class in the Mulmur Sabbath School during the past five years, being about to re `move to Sziult Ste Marie, Michigan, a. large number of her pupils and friends rue: at her residence the other evening. and presented her with n large family Bible, necmnpanying which was an mialress. - . _'w. W. R. mm, of the "Mitchell Advo- um, gave us a fmte1'nal call on iVIondny. Mr. Davis is Mayor of the town in which he re- sides. After all, you see, it is not impossible" fur a. jou:`ua.iist to be respected amt honored. Since he left . we have been wondering how he manages to dispense justice in the Police" C_ourt;-no : in ordinary easesof course, but`) in the case of tminp ])I`l11iC`l`S or ghting editors ! . ' ` 11v Q. L-" _u._-_:,1. 1.1.- .1-_u. -: M- > the he:u`t.` UKIII-IUID i . --\Ve regret to chronicle. the death of Mr. Duncan Bell. of the 8th 0011., Oro,_ which oc- curred on Tuesda_y- of last week. The dc- censcd on `t1xa'25t.h ult. wvalkotl into Barrie and while on his Way back was taken ill near Dalston and l1a.d't-0 be assisted into Caldwell : hotel. Remaining there till the` following '1`ue3da.y he was un}the point of getting into a sleigh to go home when he suddenly expired. The pm: mortrm slimved death to have oc curred from the rupture of a.'bloo:1 vessel near 1 '. .- an I\'II-' l`|,11`_' Univ us on U- ---At the last mcetim; of the Orillia, Public 2 School Board Mr. J. C. Morgan, the Inspec- tor, spoke. From the P.1c/cat we take the fol- lowing report of his concluding remarks :--He : urged very strongly the advisability, the necessity-otgreuter attention being paid to the appen.ra.nce and ornamentation of school rooms. He remembered the days of rhubarb, senua and castor oil. Now they had Mrs. Winslow, sugar coo.ted pills, milk of magnesia, &c., which positively invited the children to be cured. The educational pill should also be lrzavily sugared, very bnghtly gilded. School should be made bright and attractive bycurtains, pictures, V owers, &c. By this means children (especially the very class they wished to educate and rene) would be induc- ed to come to schoolwhere they might be tauqlit, order and discipline would be .more easily established, and the teachers would work more heartily and successfully. A love .of beauty, of owers and music, was an almost sure n.ntid'ote- to crime, cleanliness was next to godliness, and he hoped they would endeavor to make their schools such that children would prefer going to them to staying at home. His services as a musician or reader were at their disposal to raise money for this purpose, and the products of his reen-house would be sent to the sehools-sc ools of which he felt road, as being in education, if not in build- mgsand surroundings, second to none, of which he knew. ' ~ - Friday ovening the Barrie Phillmrm onic Society gave its rst concert in the town hallto a. very select and appreciative nudi- ence, numbering about two hundred. 'l`hm-n -mm-A ftv vninna in . the chm-. Barrie . . . Allnndalo .. . Victoria .. . . . Thornton -. . . Uookstown. . Beeton. . . . .. Totteulmm . . Gaorgetown . llmxliltnn . . THY} FIRST CONCERT OF THE ORG-.{NIZ}V\TI,OJ'N'. . `a. clear conception o5the_'g'ieoe,`end g`mueh. took pe.rt-inthese.seloction's:yrere ~ :Mrs. H.-i TR, A. Boys, the Mis`ses;K_iti'g-,.jM ` ' ' - w(z`n`=*`W.n_. Ilurnuering auuuu uwu nuuuruu. There were fty voices in the chor-' uses, which were with one exception from Mozn.rt s Twelfth Mass -`the exception being The Gypsy Chorus, a sweet and inspiriting composition which came last on the programme. While it cannot be said that the Society has as yet attained such a. prociency in the rendition of the grand compositions of the old masters as entitles them to tank with some other similar musical orgmiizations it has been our good fortune to listen to, yet we cannot but ac- cord them all praise for the really excel- lent vocalization exhibited in every one of the pieces. ln. course of time we hope to see--and judging by the already creditable. ascount they give of themselves we believe we shall see --the Barrie Philharmonic So-` ` ciety earn such high lailrals in tl_1e'fni1sicnl \ world as will~plu.ce'it on an equalityfwitlf ` perhaps aiiyofeitst sis`to'r societies `in they: Province.`-`_"' " ' ` _ Q ` -,-i ~*"A_ In the quartetts, ve of which were sungr there was it marked attention to the... quireznents of themusic 2 whzch p-`evidenced study" in `their prepiiratih. '""Th_ose who . i, ~v,@1T.*h.'&f. i'e';}L}`3T.'ad'ho a:"<$n'.'i}:L ,is Js` $3 an Avazicora. M3.rE.. H..E wa.rds7waaiIicstom- L`??? ?*?if%`IT *`% W'~,9`* [)!l.SS3.g83 W33 0_{lln11`l,Dl0. ` * "Fheve were but twc) soloaluqg. ; llqisp` MZinni`G::`a1m.m, ah all times 59, Tfa,vo'rifc' with Barrio a.udienc'es,. PF`?W3d._"1_1:`a~n" popu- larity as it vocalist .to..h.uve . 11t.?:1.i&h6d' in. her :- singing. of *`;When?- = ti.s;. ;Moon1ig11t.-V .She`:repea.texI the can Jesponzs $0. an .n1i`nn'1-A Ml:: E; `*Ex.V Rmmnxa To Town` AND &:mz:rn' BARRIE. PHILHARMONIG gsoclarv. :"v`1en ;.;a>11ed{o:x.-1 ti:-dayf l"hI'I';n" In....-..`I?:_. r: wu- PITHY ; PERSONALS. ----- Hamilton .. Q Gemgetowu Tottonham . Boaton . . . Cookiatown lhotnton .., Viclioxjia Allantlalo Barrio. . . . .