gilford by Mrs Sawyer 7753666 Tom Sawyer celebrated his 5th birthday on Sunday April 15 with the following guests for dinner Mr and Mrs Brownlee and Lois and John of Nashville Mr and Mrs Zobolatry and Natasha of Weston Mr and Mrs Shaw Jennifer and Kevin of Oakville Mr and Mrs Sawyer and Marylou of Weston There were 15 members of Gilford Institute who met at Gilford Community Hall on Tuesday evening April 17 Mrs Bell held the highest number of points for atten dance this past year Next highest were Mrs Davis Mrs Doe and Mrs Weyman The Roll Call was answered by an idea for next years pro gram Mrs Sturdy read the minutes of the annual meeting of 1978 Reports were given by all officers Mrs Bell con ducted the election and installer tion of officers The slate of of fices was read by Wilda Cronan of the Nominating Committee The officers for 197980 are Past President Mrs Davis President Mrs Wm Kell First Vice President Mrs Wm Sturdy Second Vice Presi dent Mrs chman Secretary Treasurer rs Doe Assistant Treasurer Mrs John Hamilton District Direc tors Mrs Wm Kell Branch Directors Mrs Bell Mrs Robt Kell and Mrs Owen Bell Pianist Mrs Gervan Sawyer Assistant Pianist Mrs Robt Kell Resolutions Mrs Welsh Public Relations Of ficer Mrs Sawyer Tweedsmuir History Curator Mrs Owen Bell Hall Board Report Mrs Gregg Davis Standing Committees Agriculture and Canadian In dustries Mrs Thompson Citizenship and World Affairs rkistï¬ tt 67A COLLIER ST BARRIE ONTARIO LdM 1G7 Davis visits flood scene at Field Ontario Premier William Davis left talks with Dr Nicol Patenaude about flooding in the northern Mrs Weyman Education and Cultural Acitivities Mrs Kell Family and Con sumer Affairs Mrs Gregg Davis Gilford United Church Women were hostesses to the Simcoe Presbyterial Executive which met in the Gilford United Church on Monday April Tea and coffee were served to the visitors in the morning and at lunch time The regular meeting of the United Church Women was held in the church on Thursday evening when neighbouring UCW were invited Pictures of the Holy Land shown by Hunter Russell highlighted the meeting Mrs Bell conducted Wor ship Service and the choir presented play The Good Friday service was held in the church with full congregation Some of the members of the church took part in the service and the choir sang several numbers The UCW served hot cross buns tea an coffee after the service hawkestone bv Mu rieI Hart 4872030 LaRena and Gordon Clark have just finished making series of halfhour programs for TV at Owen Sound La Rena also made tapes for future program on CFOSCFTS radio at Owen Sound They both spoke on art and history for TV and La Rena sang 14 songs old and new for the program new twelveinch record album entitled Canada at the Turn of the Sod has just been released and La Rena is now working on her 11th album which includes songs she has written two of which she wrote for Hawkestone Village She is setting country life to verse and Ontario town of Field QM Tuesday Patenaudes home is in centre background CP Photo music and has just finished writing two songs for Ower Sounds folk festival Visitors with Miss Grace Clark over the holiday were Mr and Mrs Dave Sutherland oi Elliot Lake and Mr and Mrs George Spence and family of Newmarket Mr and Mrs Gerry Church and Stephen of Temagami were weekend visitors with her parents Mr and Mrs Harry Kendall Members of the institute met on Wednesday evening April 25 at the home of Mrs Hart Roll Call was Why Resolu tions and the program was by Resolutions Convener Mrs Dunn The motto To Learn to Serve and to Advance was commented on by Mrs Miller new flos by Mrs Wanless 3222978 Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith Scott and Jamie of Ottawa spent the Easter weekend with Kenneths mother Mrs Harold Smith Harvey and Don Mr and Mrs Harry DeGorter of Ottawa and Mr and Mrs Harold Atkinson and family of Guelph were guests of the DcGorter famin on Easter weekend Mr and Mrs Warren Wanlcss of Sundridge and Mrs Cecil Jibb and Cynthia of Cobourg visited Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless and Peter Misses Annie May and Helen Pickering and Bill Chappell and daughters Catherine and Heather of Toronto were visitors with the Finlays of Good Friday Mr and Mrs Bernard loir of Willowdaie visited recently with Mr and Mrs Larry Cameron fire on April 12 destroyed small barn and its contents the property of Harry Mart Ill PRINURS INK HIANK YOU SlllE Monti of MAY ONUH PARIS BLYS BISTRO Ayala Designers Ltd Brit ish construction company once was paid £90000 to design and construct French bistro and cafe in the middle of Paris NEW MllliNllM lllI Medical students ignore humanities MONTREAL CP Medical schools should con centrate more on the human side of medicine and less on technology says Dr Martin Shapiro Montrealtrained physician and author Medical students concentrate on the biological sciences and ignore the humanities says Shapiro author of the new book Getting Doctored Most of them he says come from upper middle class back grounds and have high ex pectations of the social and fi nancial benefits of practising medicine Often they tend to be power oriented and authoritarian and once they get into medical school nothing is done to dis courage these attitudes The problem begins with ad mission standards which favor students who spend their under graduate years in relentless effort to be accepted into medi cal school Shapiro McGill University graduate now working at the University of California Los Angeles says he loves being physician but feel need to work out what is wrong with medicine Lecturing recently at McGili he said medical schools should give students training in the humanities and social sciences IGNORE SOCIAL ILLS Now that am teaching am astonished how insensitive residents and interns are to so cial and economic ills he says He wants less use of medical jargon which makes it difficult for the patient to understand what his doctor is saying um Sacramento nuclear reactor checked Tuesday electricians plant mechanics and health physic technicians wearing breathing gear and protective clothing entered an air lock leading to the reactor at Sacramentos Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Facility shut down last week by the NRC Workmen were doing preparatory work for new safety standards ordered by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rancho Seco is sister plant to stricken Three Mile island plant AP Photo Available now in 612 18 or 24 packs and cans IllIlilllllli PlilliIS