00, ht Ut î îaear p o ited ..7r orMitrON, ONTARIO, IHURSDAY, NQ VEMBEr 22Zn- 1951 Ten Home Pries Pages-Sic Cette i. Msddl-tte m e a a a a am WrAt Aot nu NYCMPROMi»>S ON A»tSSMEN ons400dcs.for W cl OsA8 hl eides Ap RemaelJ Hall Bae e tKc ...Select Sl itrç clwols movnosaaressMa. Rnea.na..i o Group HodN Omagh ntue iekes d sis Forluluuc T w gOfroe M&g,;* or w osu foWMrS Ail5 Disric .OfveflOrs Five n tiers oro. n M or te Npisocr imeseso toe Classes ;n bac Etglith toc tee- Otegs Weoeee Inottes e ldlM WS . To n Ofce ostece isest ie tyaCndisar thtn -,nufda ie the lame oMse Ltse Tse Equalio tion Agreement 7ANTED - Free s-e0 Heesiegerac osrcinC Y S m tse s ln end Rnoe Cbotch: Tise cssdcet, Msn. cil tISese et tise soiseets ins ftocts wttt 18 olales rsn n h orssino atnCut oni nMlo etTedyatron csh as test a rce foc cesedeltesg tht telle- s-t the tes healles-r Poiste hedq - R nesnpeie.Hlo isre.A odyrgtsPTsiemebr eiodheeqc thir Rodes-ste ps-soldes! tilcitosn dots-tes Ats Meedcpd s9ostc acede MssvM tastd horasre. tertt helbtcgtstr oc leestset nTcda eootg. Tttee.plans Aeeeiteses a-etheststeeh sooccürd Thteeh tLS. c-t) tcitedtforcs ceessos-otfiteeottbtoo ndtso poic o-tic0 s-t Mesaes Nione Dis-l cccoicgoeçccs tl dosctenta lts HoefrteAe.Tebsso 10lnot eâhdiuýl, a sal nàpret wu cFI, a U..tec-tttet o fe9sd l toc t acthe d tis e et n of te t i fgue asetcon nth uaýC assir t cotsoc dckeis tors te sebis sttclasscnd estsnteoîfor ts-s-ots-gthb a etito thetroll s-til tcsP-e ot si, cseto.Teedeiiegclaes hv ot bcMll tctrledt aleblii h dutetwsmd ewentefu otenmn.p tý vt h la. Petite o alt fie.I tic eossa -Cths- coeat ttcetetr loktteud s-Oes- t The e ticet tos-e b-e s-in te- Setll s teks wi h ted tf e ttese tyct- Ttosscc ma, 64Spd ca th PovncalPoic pan tt stt-ctl tin th ot ofcstructtttioetodty Mrs Orbr ahd Mthte ste osscs-csd ct shsbseo-c tit-sts Hi 4- madt s- e. Tis hOe cntstrutio c-paetcso d statternvt. ____ ____ ____ ___ Ms-t 11t ' sl'ben e cîtn l otte tge-osstetsesbsOO Thecostg muulstlmn omraeia iarcan ihteb- Iv&eeuteyst.tewr ol oiet.ln aepli. M .Rb o dsh'- w t tthitet rn-io and deheste acttoe te The toceets- tfs- Cenatiten e tesssc tdoob-btottlod ee-so-lctsett-oee andbts-toi- tts-i tdkoh.r,, hlt t h co te s- s-ti e tthei es-c ost te Ms- MeUt gtttg te figuesas eot o wnithoti te o es-g to s selnn rgaas test, 0888ll ta Atil zt o oe s tO that $ ld itotsth b i O -teetets hti teue "Fshs-glts. Hcdseddbs-D. L. MetCootthttsi - se,28 ete ui cyse eolnifntte Irving k e ht" ot ad ttld ofst, %,s -a- end othec Mltonoas-d memhes-5 w-ehehisesdithtettedhsps-ledtte1,ttefis-,cdr.qo toce tîoC-tes - est s e h d esttravs lls-teso- s- r- ! e tttt thms-. Saiesof lul s-r o ttti o f bt plicats- sf t s-Ib icd tses te o t e t ts-loti hi s ageeemU eel en t îi sc e-- t ees s-s- esttttc f tead Mtesi. pne tatemeig.T sl-In Skating Ful o;.oni n ttots-m e-t bsnr-fýnt t s-tii fca cd e-Ut eis Mlto tanosentoitt wots-ccitd. c e t n bts-s cot e teîb b rct0 A ltts ece w sced tratin Mr.lJ D. Ms. Clos-t, itets- ets rSs Agrs- tîs-obto As-gots Ms-Mîlc fatos- loin c O util be ichod lie- dois- ldesof'c e hoies- Mr.-tbcco ui aib te r -Sots il w tb b ttttts es fmatelu-s eftih.rpite u ot e s-toe tso w i ot sde ei toctebc os-te- be ospîsthe exeons aibto1i So-scinsi hm a uch oida bs-n te as-stto itdo pld n s t Mons-lt oisti cn tbs 0 _____ ss os l s-s-ia t toee -ss tt-teih n Petta altesrest Cc.,so h itnAeavudbc es-bo tu-s-ldts- tto M- titos. Mari. so--So o o-t-b orfla pet ss- ts- is- es o ttss-ttf Jeeestc -oteBu oteksifetr Ckdwn leL ls-t- Si bae b-s-e rs D Currie Host fith aonmucpltnslia gv avvdderpin of theIialtonn lciTafla pIStîs o--- eoeseîîet h os c"" s-t dbtos-yo tt tH lo 1AIiA Kalv bit-s-t C ts-Iot otilTscigs cpoisc bots le teestie o o httdo î b sks-d doot bs-o biggcsNrh-atnDstitwr boti avY5 -*cdig incs-a ~s-S-n s-s- a eo s- o rbtg--de---tt To Wisota eu B clo wns-stoc 11ous-i s- ilcett-oodo ohtts- s To Bost-onttU.se-c tesadisesto s-s-os-s-tdtt0 sos-Iodes- Th,___ oB so La is -Il bs-rton3s-Sts-tk osns- 360,tJaoses ttiotcsctto MttE At Nelson United tto tbsses-esenttites oses- t'elsloet-it rv our -t "Il s-is-î-dlt 111 Astet1istittttet F C asoetsteleot î -. tes ited ehc psseittt ýst Cil%;:.eth: s siuton ' rd 1iso il bs-s-t docee Aidetintg oSê bs te-o îl U-s--est Phs- esto ils-d bs- Ms-t Clos-s Tus- ttot Ps-c bs-ttttol Stetieon -cs-td obsbto -ocd tilshsihOos-es-btN-1 cs-othe, Sihs- Cbiid-s-s- W LSatdices tcbeot Bordtiiogoi.e tic- e Tht tt c toes-ieded wtedi e alOtiis-tofbtheWoseecMetoeees ttcs- tis hefull-ttiii tlate. bidils-;i cor ety Ms-se i'CossosodeonPcgeie) deento uhs- e e--d bs-thbrbesn S-s-tetyti o os C b sedle, Soseedîta -o.ytst os so- eo-e o uga U Co? ie tj rs . e H .~ Michio otd so h-d tChht ett -o t s-e rs-os-Csst- o ct Itt ittedanatda wu Aoeseectnt-ssb-U-cts hts-Sto OtS-s-cgt-e es-e tettte thtri sudho Rdbs--o-c Reev_ _ s--e teiggees ond Cooseelo- B s-bs loeýicd led s-Otureesd te bh Tht Ite Ca te ts-e of o cisiR-b--hiomdanss tttsd L-bb-u. etb. ts s-bts-tes- 'a' THRFE TRAFAILAR POSITIONS s-bs--ov tR-.s s-c -eter-- ho mnto thto-te apet teinhee un -K 8E bos tosls th tes-etc etn Qee t o o t he O i ocl S-ietctb-sslstt aKM. P-hto i bt Ms-Uebbe Uts-t tht Glid Tidig egeilO ae o epne o y ylwn.88 tcmncpl s-osgil MUst ws--5 tecorts- et Lototto s-sos-s-Uc Ps-os-ct ARE FILLED BY ACCLAMATION te-se- e e.teeeGt -- ttoidse- ticSi. c haboe tbe deos! losb sest ff. Att es-ýOr Mbs. iccors-s-t s-s-s-os-t oes _______direc_____________ Asilceo Geoia osam w s-ss pre si COTT-ON MAIDENS Aero t h t res-s b s- rt Uc icd t o T-Ilos totonte candte Mrss-etetso --teet ees-s- ststo n al ets- nt. s-t îbe- whce lo tht Coulcilmetot int g tasreportc an OLD PIFs-H MEETING AT ets-edeil ets Mse D. Meeibton fbian es t coot1 os hote s- bs -c t te l P s -stes-es-os- cS- tot ele- 11,o 'hl -Seote-is-tie choi s-cett onal cens-k os ioss-I Tet o-t Ces-s- HOME 0F MISS M. IRWIN Sesict- i tes- Oto is W s in, ts-ss-iteoîbf twnssi mce--oion. -kdsîes- s-ecogie stI --l est-l cil__ _ et i dctee rc thehot ledes s-ste-e MSl U15ttaettedWs-M e tes-il-b 'lpo erilr botkd u h I 1,fa h.rll ci ,I h ttttttctg et tb 11c2 te-nty wGOtEtlGINI its teto ooste justice-of te Th, s- ififieetgoe ths-et h1 fnt bsMîis- ues and Mns-eG inll . Coý1t'"Otsers tced W s-s-s- Try Ostre pece- Se tes- esSt- so-d lsn-t ta t il s- tes-td bsIGi.-O-l--sbso--et-ls sts Publot Utilts o mm os- s tb-sc e tees-b dietetos-il Os-ouest tesle- uet tes t-t Et l o 1514 Upse clts et-s-s-ten > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ st-- urttte actiontsetbs touiet Osce-b MotIi teslot Esetotee 11.14 ct s-ctfero Ms-totdt sta cacea.f ciran h q.i.t. fasso .T,- slce6et.eAIT-, s-gb suigtepsa f te a - il7 , Ccs-ingcetI7cp.. bits ede s dos- est A. Me-mac Il th t e t he b s-sc uidingoïsmelloity Pis-s-e-e andWeb- 1 - et. .44pr Cn, tebt ttohe ceag cotesa pleut s-toi As-ste pct-st tes- tollol,;nite asletteroiprtns d PasI s t o sent o Tis IIecsteîthd ne t h u - s- bs-- t he hscs-esbss- o d b G eeth e tes filt c t b h cb le s -c ot heb u r n u l v n a h i m n f r 1 1 g v y m . B l m n s e t; a s g w Y .2 P r c n . APads-eg- the-t tise! s-eth troste.. As tsee --teis-tosfillttet Ms-ns-C thcecb-db- îvi ooh ilar fis l eS Oýs-tI 1120 7 s- cc e-t M T itgae a n o u t. b s be n u n e o t C ur ' lt r ". S a n e t e te us P m g t e es ll ICSeeee - i etistutost hv .Pi__I___o, et hc d epne a asoe yth od J I W ks-tead e. H, Bige. rte an s- iwil oto h etooitesdbowt iso C ý11notwt. C'd S nee____ D ent isiofthe Hyg drape oi ,ss-sso s- s-ee Th t ý s-cil e" us-H.McnveMae Stills-s-tesctthe-ePositionetsof re ev ols cadd tes li cite, ecteMin Ictedbyt--heset-es-Dr.o b it l pet-scet otecte so ce s t ik t' d the ltrol te andehosîeehos-t he il 0-ed s-Itis-t te, s--s s-ve sodt - s e It t o 5 0 - d i s e e l s t M o ho t e W O g e - I o o I e o t h t t o s e e t e s e e t -t e o to d bl la D tesh etl -e-t isd cut -t t d by O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ms ees-de s-U-te lis- et tsar-se Ceoitet si sclecM- tb-t c cd stt ss te, l M o nti t l tos-c ce o ct t tttt g t he tet et m tes-s- t oet e e etin s-es-b i le teit iss- tis R MdMm.set s- tes-b pli aseb is litt arguet As-ted te-bts- s-s t bs-dt, testtatt Boeil R Mess- s-bts-e-es. -Iae orsse c te o et s-es -s-cs at G.doI-eted aes- ts-s- t c os e sbt a-l- l tiscr teovi d tMe-il, patsts the o ices ,,y tise n sc tetse bque t eotîs- ueh s--bs . Ictu of te W ot ih J U NN H M BREhes-de' i teetin bas - tI e -b e til e. Com iso A. Ceehs- hsese imntt n or te ri tes o s s s- t C tisil etOss-oî eestestsisîo e is esa bIs-e Micbîs-cccdoeochcîs-cehctdsse for pay c M s pa e t tts S o tc cb te r c t e os- s-boss- Fret te1setst-s-ttlits Mse G. MeGîbises The s-ltii _,ma wu__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s--cd-dtlsettete- ssdon th e lefi n es , eI >s-o e to s-ocSilsf- Jos-seh-tCtnngame tets oe-dhs-the od, ss-s-. P.ie o h fetto eso ot fccamncplt sc teet- ~ ~ $00 Use-tcit- - esss- Il tOs b il t os- eed ets Antestieg s-s-tamce- tleà M iss A. Anderson M r -tee ts F.stio tes--St t est tedh- ie d11eg. ie-e.Ts Dr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s reny Brai.. ihý,,thshpnnarDa-tebsnesdsuson nost tc.de-tcd isy Messec Atesesce s-es-s-tetce hd-sc ers-!ecs81 es le rlee - Iois-er xs_...........> 09R, ýF d Gai ier ai the Toss sdog.sChrs-tmascIGscseg and Oc Addresses M eeting To Hornby ci-ilut te p'2. 'aeTheatrcet t P.Tgbts-tefud .s ien05 s-s-cs-l te-te, Ar-tur osjce s-is-gt. McbteH. M ihesaenga - ces--. t --e iCctis-Mt Bss ho sos- es rc des-t......... 1_ots- n s-,idley s-cer- Hes--s-ts--tes- tihct sesos bs-RdIp h I, - -esret teonîse Th toe ebs ostinîg eot tht lis M ot tets Os-cee wus botto Oes-gotofe As-s-ibs set ecectgc eo ,__ __ atwrk.... C,- Ah!ototet ils-dis-' ftiel tthse- e o Ms-e Es-tees- etfteobs-Wý t tenWedordes-O sI-oetAec- s-il ths-MmsE Aaelfol,' -ie Peeh ns-ns-lce is-s-s-eth s-s-este1radM cosess Uofs-boeceny boet ves- Ps-hs-doend Ms Pottesoo.sging Os--toocBe Actes bss s- Mes--s-sils- Cocies- thetlotboe-ulcbe Sets- of-s-sinshsAct 4.2645 4304 -cnin and.0t-otoib s-s-os-s-s-e s--s o ileiC teodein s-cn tisete ue - Mc tue li te0eee! t sssss~ se ac villeato Ar bie s-Mito- t -il'. l - -s -s- 's2 litto t o al tes-sotet94:, 'o-s-j bs- a s---te O ----tetemaeIcos-oteUtari-en _mstotB itsi lihseso t is-gseo s BIsSOK--~ ss~--nl o sO-e oisi-te-Iee es 1otsi Osts- th, M ci -ets-les oil s-ote- Ces-o-s-s ! tcs-- te'c-un t h, bote -es-h e- ticc ds-o cets-ct lM o 47.19714 5 .1aie ces-ct-h r t er tpe e t ee s- ot O os-iee gse- o ns gc -s t ise n4 12 9 & 2 Couneillor~" ~ -"~ Pero reoie s--s oei Mecs- lln y S lro fA lso. ctnr ,a-i s- sJ W usS s-cg e sct e s-trest ecet onoîtts-. ife 21t4at 1.1702 os-este s tId B",tdi--tss Scotb-eise 1. - he A dos-oe e-s- rl teb--- ettse asl--sst titiso oee ses-I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M s K.otussts Elle agrculure A N L C N Y U G P O Lcls-s sose -uss ots-- Au e f Ri n aing t s. bsc-tetIt en g Y.osci ot et Milto, 6 rh'riew ith.repesenatiIs o a"'thi, of te ha chage ofthe rogrm. _ss tht s-s-tee-tevrne es-il lies-be3 3ý7 itasîlcec fileconted e clh oIe sA G TT N A C - A Toie t A L osstest il y e Oî ot ý e t erslteilttsbt wu ra. M . A eoto h orea ooate C- dB ftt-tet ite b ot s - o r f u i i l - c b s - o e cnm i d ta s- s- s - t t o c 4 -ki l l - s s s- e P - - s- 0 e - e - s s i e o s o - - lvet - -o s- - B - --e R i s-s- - s oeC. ..s-i b T b s e o t t h s o b t. d i el]ds-îs-s- c's-' bis- troeti-s-s--li, Th lo1,1 Os-I- s-s- meetingeosiee s-- aiess- aM G pi -s- e tOs s-e~ toi Concerttse .c-betstot cis-otul TORNs- 0fu tonFlee oi Ir Forums te-lshe- s-s-s-es-cotte bs-t Mil-s s-s-s- ofs -, e-se---s the Us-s-c- , Choc, al At. <011V hît tt s-eodos-o s-soss-d biecs-ted ci cotet rtnd la nspect catch asin t 1', 18 1ad,,,s lln Fs-os-es-s-cIl .es-Iehis-s-s-s-es-colts-ctudinles-o s-t th, bs-en ce-.. -ctth cttee, dontinue .Iid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ILA brAc FOSMER lit eta i- fiogPoI fS! Pgytrý 1 P, vl, 0F Star oo-sos ss-o Aso e-t -t c s-i (,rmxes-tC St-ýt s- ro Io s- it edib s-ss--s ~- -e-ts--so -. s- e s, l Os- siess as-tI etrds ttcdý s-s-s--i s-es s-----ese-'hh-t-s.-sc-S esftess il etteedtel, b- s- stissSee--th ossce , Aselýies- s--eeis co tt EXHIBIteOt bo"I AI" S v ra tF Sist- cell tiglot ceetoils s-ust lots Commdode Shees- hav-oe s-tat bc 40ble-, ho tccls T s-erlettsct dt-ion es-uss- se s- , se s- ss -iloest ish -ssss bs-- th hp WILIA ceio-s- etMEL tht es--e-N thedo.t hod ACol Masriaos htyie os n f h toge osrr tisem lot etatd'0 oeeeilessesose-ss-sesoc .hedts-hIoget esrsos- scet-thsbelsc EcViidhe.-efee 10oban . ss es- Sets Posi,,R'h teîl rh ANsA o t LeN GDsbI S 0 eTO NT estvoe- Wdede ecob--ttb-c, 0 - te-- oeO, lb,k fort e ep a igo E.ol-ilil ,11on A b ffe ope, ,, - I Ofe hoi, Tise o e-ss th, t"l Os ess!m estefbot il0e, tt 1 coos--s- os-e-tet ,c, 9s-e s-e t0eet h i1s -to o M te s i s es-- hfs-ts sce.M îT es e-e-og t ets eOe ssc -esseeae ts se~on Il'tt teitio s--e m k t a it 'o m bs- h h , s h t-t e s t e s l p r o s- c - O Ose- I e O s e t C i s c s- - c i M U -,- s-r . -o n e t C s- - e s t f i ll e I t e M s - p o t i boefe a s t I b e . l e a O e - - k - - IA unts teest Ce. tspao ol'Yr c>li' she- o bdescis-cn s!stes-lesOacbe!eeltess As ol s-pe-tssn- eo~c tise Cismepies teboeiso ise cesiss hms fs-sut exheamun yaaml lee s-i,],lwdb -h.CH M I N S R E S F IN b5eyu- û Tomset adehes "ndr_-sýýC tAYP.,te"bgfi.I ody os--s cstse th i1, ,DI. ýC os. es-ee osl, tise Pets- tecîtic hi- Ont t s-s-le-es-es Mveelg tstý, tis Isistor e ot ossi mhirs Mimisoss ý,ýrt ne homs- ce 58s- te PA -~SSP Rd Is TON les-IE en t tl nA YS- r 4-- iesles -ss-ehc o!ttW es--ooih is- tisiOosht Cconptabl- ofstee' -,' anisa hi casa-s -noe se t Ne t- s-o il t sy 4 i jjt 5 . ~ tameotteho'ttg. ý p i Wednosday,~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s-em e s-adfnt-ýy t, oi . T e A. PA o n G d rcsn o o